Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction: Assistant Safety Officer Course was developed for the California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI), which is the training branch of the California Emergency Management Agency (Cal EMA).
This course supports “hands-on” training from qualified instructors who are experienced in hazardous materials response. The course goal is to provide hazardous materials responders with the knowledge and skills to become competent Assistant Safety Officers-Hazardous Materials (ASO-HazMat). To that end, this course incorporates many opportunities for asking questions and discussing various safety topics. Small-group and independent activities are structured to reinforce key points.
The state of California, under the Hazardous Substances Incident Response Training and Education Program (Government Code Section 8574), requires CalEMA to present to field responders approved training classes, taught by trained instructors, in hazardous substance response. These training classes are to be provided through outreach programs and are to certify participants who have completed these training classes. This training is also mandated by the Occupational Safety and Health Act, Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations 1910.120(q) and the California Code of Regulations Title 8-Section 5192(q). The regulations covering the requirements and course contents are contained in the California Code of Regulations Title 19–Section 2520.
ToucanEd has also developed other Cal EMA courses.