Radiation Safety Secure Online Purchase

Do you use cabinet x-ray systems? Do you need to train employees? ToucanEd has developed a toolkit that gives businesses and facilities the tools they need to develop and administer a safety program for their systems. The training program meets all federal and California regulations.

One of the two sections provides background and practical tips for administrators’ responsibilities. The second section is for training the operators. It gives them training and tools to ensure that they have the knowledge and skills they need to operate these machines safely and efficiently.

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The Complete Radiation Safety and Protection Toolkit–$39.95

  • One 1" binder containing the Cabinet X-Ray Systems for the business owner or facility administrator
  • One Operator Training Booklet with PowerPoint training resources
  • Two CDs, Operator Training with Power Points and resources that include a pre and post test

Contact Us

Kathleen Middleton, MS, MCHES
President, ToucanEd

What We Do

If your program needs manuals, pamphlets, posters, distance learning, or more, we can help. We can develop your materials, write, edit, design, and print them for you.

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Mary Ellen Cunningham
Development and Marketing Assistant
(888) 386-8226 ext. 21

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ToucanEd is a nationally renowned developer of health education materials, curricula, and training products.