Please Stand Up! Relationship Transcript Samples

Dialog and Action


Joy and Lisa are standing at their lockers, discussing their weekends when a couple starts arguing across the hallway.

shot of Joy and LIsa noticing Mike yelling at his girlfriend Jillian

Mike (angry): You expect me to believe that bull? What do you mean “just friends”, I saw the way you looked at him!

shot of Mike yelling at Jillian

Jillian (nervous): He was just asking me for some notes for English.

shot of Jillian looking nervous

Mike: Don't lie! I know what's going on!

shot of Mike really angry

Jillian: I don’t know what your talking about…please, I'm sorry, don't be mad.

shot of Jillian begging him to relax

Joy: Oh boy, here we go again.

shot of Joy and Lisa watching the confrontation

Mike: You think I'm stupid?! I gotta go to practice! I'll deal with you later! (he turns and sees that Joy and Lisa were watching) What are you looking at?

shot of Mike noticing that he is being watched

Mike: You best be minding your own business if you know what's good for you.

Joy (to Lisa): Man, that is one messed up relationship.

shot of Joy and LIsa frustrated

What would you do?

shot of Jillian with text that says "What would you do?"